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Trending Mansa Prophet demanding n#d€s.pictures

Some Embarrassing moment for a Mansa church Overseer demanding and sending Nudes to some female church member, a Disappointed female Church member and disgusted at her pastors behavior revealed to her Boyfriend about her pastor’s ungodly behavior towards her.

Upon revealing about her communication with her pastor, It was at that point she was asked to play along just to ensure that their pastor was not misunderstood, Shockingly to everyone’s eyes they were quickly baptised with blessings of the Papa Nudes while fonding his tiny cassava.

Asked why they have decided to bring this information to the public, ‘We believe they are other young ladies in the church who might have fallen victim to the pastors ungodly behavior, that is why we want the public to know’.

Audio interview with the victim loading.

Check out conversation below.

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