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👉🏾Some key life points you can get from Slap’s album ” MOTHER TONGUE”
👉🏾Am a huge fan of King Dizo as an artist, a Business man and Entrepreneur
♦️The Rules
1) Believe in Yourself (Osa Wala Track 19)
👉🏾 Before you chase your dream, you have to believe in yourself because if you don’t no one will.
👉🏾Take action towards your dream then put God in front of your hustle. Slap points out how nobody wanted to chill with him during his up comer days but hey! Osa Wala he got there through the grind.

  1. Be Original (Mother Tongue Track 10)
    👉🏾 In whatever field you wanna venture in, there are already Successful people but in order for you to sell your skill, talent, gift/, career; you have to be original.
    👉🏾Don’t be a copy cat becoz no one will buy a copy of the original. Be proud to Unleash your potential in a Zambian way because your creativity will make you stand out. Customers want to deal with an authentic person.
  2. Know Your Friends (Banzanga Track 12l7)
    👉🏾Not every brother is your brother. Thus try to know your friends because we all need people who lift us when we are low.
    👉🏾Are they the friends who clap for you when you attain your goal? Do they criticize to help you improve or to pull you down?
  3. Hustle for money (Ma Sagali Track 3)
    👉🏾We ought to learn how to make money becoz money is the fuel of life.
    👉🏾Show me a dream that was achieved without money injected towards it?
    👉🏾 Slap D points out that School fees is money, tithe is money, lobola is money, bus fare is money, online bundles is money etc
    👉🏾so one has to learn not to be choosey with jobs so long it’s legal- go and make money to inject in that dream.
  4. Do better (Do better Track 11)
    👉🏾keep on pushing for your dreams even when you don’t see instant results. Clap 👏🏾for your friends when they succeed. We all make it at different times.
    👉🏾Slap even notes that “Mangos” 🥭don’t become ripe at the same time despite being from the tree. So be kind to yourself in your hustle and appreciate the process on your way up.

✅Note: Mr Mwila Musonda is a successful rapper and business man

TZ (The Analyst)

Uncle-P Pro

Entrepreneur || Digital Marketer || Artistes Manager || Events Planner || Music Promoter || Creative Force behind Zambian Tunes
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