Forgotten HitsMusic

Download: Petersen Zagaze – Amakwebo Mu Church (Mp3)

Throwback Thursday! We’re taking it back with a classic hit from the legendary Petersen Zagaze! Relive the magic of his unforgettable single, “Amakwebo Mu Church”.

“Amakwebo Mu Church” remains one of Petersen Zagaze’s most iconic tracks, showcasing his distinctive sound and powerful lyrical storytelling. This throwback hit single captures the essence of Zambian music and continues to resonate with fans old and new.

Whether you’re rediscovering this gem or hearing it for the first time, “Amakwebo Mu” is sure to get you moving and reminiscing about the good times.

Uncle-P Pro

Entrepreneur || Digital Marketer || Artistes Manager || Events Planner || Music Promoter || Creative Force behind Zambian Tunes
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