Entertainment News & Gossip

Nexus Music Owner, His Mistress And His Brother Arrested For Money Laundering

Nexus Music owner and NHEF Director kamphembele Ngulube together with his brother Lusuntha Ngulube and kamphembele’s mistress who is also a former baypot employee ( Margaret Mukuni Mabingo) has just been arrested by Drug enforcement commission (DEC) for money laundering involving k36,000 000. 00.

The Commission has jointly charged and arrested Kamphembele Ngulube a male aged 49 years, Margaret Mabingo a female aged 46 years who was arrested at one of Kamphembele’s personal properties in kabulonga Lukasha flats plot 30029 where she has been living with him for 3 years now, together with her two children that she has with her still legal husband.

DEC has arrested and detained all Directors and Shareholders of NHEF for Obtaining Money by False Pretences contrary to section 309 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia and Money Laundering contrary to section 7 of the Prohibition and Prevention of the Money Laundering Act No. 14 of 2001 of the Laws of Zambia as amended.

Particulars of the matter are that the three as Directors and Shareholders of NHEF jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown on dates unknown but between 1st January 2020 and 30th September 2022 with intent to defraud did obtain money amounting to K36, 000,000.00 from members of the public on the pretext that NHEF had plots for sale in an area called “Riverdale City” situated in Lusaka’s Leopards Hill Area when in fact not. Members of the public paid for these plots believing that they were genuine plots for NHEF.

In the course of investigations, the Commission seized 18 motor vehicles and froze several bank accounts.

Uncle-P Pro

Entrepreneur || Digital Marketer || Artistes Manager || Events Planner || Music Promoter || Creative Force behind Zambian Tunes
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