Celebrity Profiles


Cheswa lutricia chimfwembe professionally know by her stag name snooky aka sindine shy mama is a bemba -born źambian rapper song writer ad a model she was born September 27 1992 (23) snooky is à Zambian desecent bt crazy when shes on stage she grew up in a troubled famly wth aĺot of thngs going on but stil dat didn’t let her from doing what she loved most her siblings didn’t understand what she was made of añď what she wantd to do ad thats her career even though I did music non of my family sapportd me instead they made fan it and would tell that am just worstin my time but knowing myself and what GOD blessed me with I couldn’t let him down ad myself she said I have olwayz been a fan of music from way back but I began then when I was at school in 2006 I wuld listen to slap d mampi Tommy d ad nick minaj these artists have been my inspirationAnd wiĺl owaz talent was first spotted by a producer named mass1 frm equaĺizer mass and I have worked on some songs da first was nitelela chikanda etc dat wàs in 2014 it was awesome so many people loved the tracķs and where playiñ o over and damm got tooo much attention ad I thank my producer for the hard work and since then I have worked with various artists and producers my rapping sķiĺl has caught alot’ attention aď I ļove that then in 2015 I was caĺld at no doubt by a produçr ñamed Ricore one of the best in zed thn I released my some songs called 29t ad danger caution which did very fine anď aĺot of people love my work I then appeared in a bunch of joint tracks for studio work from Chris wado south African dance hall artist, dj show star from kopàla, bee roxan, yung dee siluwana punchlines ad bĺàze1 mr ñagtauletota.snooky finally realized her debut single magwila ģwila on which she features Sammy dee mr weñyo I wanna bring out the best music coz am different from these others I find the music industry soo fan coz at the enď of the day I learn a lot from my fellow artist she said I love sweat ,pain ad çompetition it makes me stronger, hard working and stayn forced my dad always tod me that nothing is easy in life coz every step is soo hard tiĺĺ u reach the top, I love and support my fellow femoź hehe ño hard feelings but I ain’t got competition with dem I believe iñ compitinģ with male àrtists dats my motor ad am ready for żed hope u are too and so they say the sky is the limit añd I mean it I will make sñoooky aka sindine shy mama.
For business only contact me
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Facebook :Snooky Lulu
Call :+260974128100

Uncle-P Pro

Entrepreneur || Digital Marketer || Artistes Manager || Events Planner || Music Promoter || Creative Force behind Zambian Tunes
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