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Slapdee And Bobby East Reacts To Lusambo’s Claims About Daev’s Death

XYZ Founder, Slapdee and CEO Bobby East have reacted to claims by Lusaka Minister Bowman Lusambo concerning Daevs’ death.

Lusaka Minister Bowman Lusambo today featured on the Red Hot Breakfast show at Hot Fm and was heard during an interview saying Deav was drunk and careless on the road that’s why he died in that accident alongside four of his friends.

Mr Lusambo said on that particular Sunday, he was coming from and he witnessed everything that happened. Below is part of a recording of his interview

Bowman Lusambo at Hot Fm

Well this did not seat well with the XYZ bosses Slapdee and Bobby East, Deav’s closest friends. They both took to social media to display their displeasure with the Minister’s remarks. Below is what they posted

Slapdee wrote

And Bobby East shared this..

Uncle-P Pro

Entrepreneur || Digital Marketer || Artistes Manager || Events Planner || Music Promoter || Creative Force behind Zambian Tunes
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