Celebrity Profiles

Meet : Bleed Kadansa professionally known as KD Giza, Chipata based rapper artist

Bleed Kadansa AKA KD Gizo was Born 84 March 12 in chipata’s
Started music in 98 became more active in 2003 did an album in 2006 with J yson titled ma issue and another album in 2009 with Mama music my third studio album titled Funso was with silent erazer of S.M.E music formerly Humbleness touch. From there on his been doing singles. he usually rap in Swahili mixed with nyanja. Targeting the African international market in a unique way. As his slogan says Capital Nimoyo Kubloka Nikufa. Uniziba Unanimvera
It simply meant as long as you are alive your goals shall be met my country will one day be proud of me

Uncle-P Pro

Entrepreneur || Digital Marketer || Artistes Manager || Events Planner || Music Promoter || Creative Force behind Zambian Tunes
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